Alright. Hello friends, I am Anthony, I am of Polish heritage, and with me on this blog are Henry and Miles (pronounced me-les). Anyway we have decided to open up this blog with the question of "what does Catholicism mean to us." Each one of us will make our own post, and I will give you mine right now.
So I am a 6th generation, Catholic-Polish-American. My last name being Hamersky is a name of, from the research I have done, nobility, and as many if not all of you know, nobility in Europe had a love for their religion and swore to protect it. Now the Poles, like many other kingdoms and empires, had knights. But the Poles took it one step further and had the Polish Winged Hussars, and if you know history you know they were some really tough guys. Anyway, the Poles, especially the nobility, knew how much the Church played in society, but also how much they loved it. The nobles, or "szlachta," took one of many oaths which include the basics of protect the Church (Catholic Church), family, and the nation. These were three very important things, back in medieval and empirical times, but equally in modern day.
The Poles have recently had brilliant luck in the Papacy and in the post modern society, with the fall of communism and the success of Karol Wojtyla (Karl-Vo-ty-wa) or as the ignorant know him, John Paul II. Both of these had major impact on Communistic society of Poland and Russia.
My apologies, I'm getting off topic and heading into history.
Anyway. Catholicism to me is basically my life source, I know through High School the only thing that kept me going my sophomore and junior year was Catholicism. Not only that but it's there for me when no one else is, and I love that. I can tell you as well that it was my first love. I've thought about being a priest, but instead have taken the path of a Catholic University in Kansas. As a cradle Catholic I have always had Catholicism in my life, but now as I've grown smarter, and more logical, I have done extensive research into Catholicism, and along with Henry and Miles, my best friends, I have done much to expand my knowledge in that specific subject.
For my final idea, I want to share with you a philosophical thought: "Everything that is believed has truth behind it, whether the truth be true, corrupted, twisted, or lacking somewhere is a different subject." this is something I've thought about, and I can tell you, if you truly are a Philosopher, or "Lover of Wisdom," is it not prudent and logical to look into and try to understand the religion that blatantly states "We have the fullness of truth"?
Many of you might think of the Catholic church as being arrogant and stuck up, but as renowned Philosopher Peter Kreeft asked, "Is it arrogant to admit the truth?" It isn't arrogant, we are just admitting the truth; it's only arrogant if we are wrong. Which if you believe in the bible and Gospel, it specifically states in the book of Matthew "Peter you are rock and upon this rock I will build my church."
Anyway, that's another story, but as I am a Philosopher, I have searched for truth, and with that I have found much truth to be found in the Catholic Faith. And in conclusion (because I'm sure y'all (yes, I'm a Kansan) are tired of this) I am here to dialogue, not argue. If you wish to argue, by all means go to Henry, but if you wish to discuss things in an orderly and adult-like manner, I am open to ideas. And if you have any questions, you can find my email on my account details, so goodnight, good luck, and I hope to hear from you.
Your fellow believer,
Anthony Hamersky